The Christmas Specials are here now. We want to make your holiday a special one. Buy any lot below before December 18th, and we will apply a discount of 20% to the sales price, cash or terms. This is for new sales only, between now and the 18th of December, 2009. This is an incredible opportunity, that will allow you to purchase some of these lots at our cost, for the next few days.
1/4 Acre Concho Lakeland, AZ Apache County CASH
$1,500 Now only $1,200 until 12/18/09
$121 DOWN Arkansas
Jefferson County, AR Pine Bluff Jefferson Heights Addition - $100 per Month
$121 DOWN Colorado$799 Now only $640 until 12/18/09
$3,500 Now only $2,800 until 12/18/09

$121 Missouri
$121 DOWN Nevada
$121 DOWN Video Driving Directions NEW PRICE $15,000
This is a new price. Buy one now while the prices are low! Existing customers who have one of these on terms with us,
will have a credit posted to their account reducing the balance to reflect the price
reduction. So customers who bought these for 21K will have a 6k credit posted
to their account as of 12/01/09. Online Land Sales LLC was able to negotiate a much
better deal on their most recent purchase here. Now this deal is being
passed on to all customers!
New Mexico
$900 Texas
$1,000 Now only $800 until 12/18/09
$121 DOWN
$1,800 EXTRA SPECIAL Now only $1,250 until 12/18/09
$121 DOWN
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